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Image by Jessica Felicio

Black Advocates for Equity in Health + exhale.collective

As current Cal students and alumni, we have experienced firsthand the shortage of health/wellness education, resources, and support tailored towards the needs of Black female-identified students. In 2019, we conducted a survey of Black womxn identified students on UC Berkeley's campus and found there was an overwhelming burden of stress related to racism and discrimination on UC Berkeley's campus -  93% of respondents reported experiencing high stress and 73% of respondents agree that their identity as a Black womxn on campus contributes directly to their stress.

As black women we shape and we shift into countless roles and responsibilities. We are sisters, teachers, providers, healers, partners, mothers, spiritual guides, humans -each role with its own weight. Black women carry families, trauma, institutions, restoration, justice, and nations. In this, research has shown that “weathering” or enduring exposure to racism, discrimination, social disadvantage and chronic stress deteriorates the health of Black womxn in early adulthood. The impacts of weathering on Black womxn is significant – ranging from higher rates of maternal mortality to shorter life expectancy. 

Fostering supportive social networks among Black womxn, has been shown to serve as a protective factor against chronic conditions, and promote health and wellness Therefore, through Black Womxn Well we hope to create social spaces where black women and girls are emboldened to release  -even if just momentarily- and allow themselves to be nourished, inspired, and united in community. We believe that such release and restoration enables us not only to heal and revive, but also build collective power as black women. 

Black Womxn Well is focused on providing direct access to campus and community resources tailored to the health and wellness needs of Black female identified students. Programming will speak to the different identities Black womxn navigate from the intersections of sexuality, gender, ability, socio-economic status, etc. Funded by the Wellness Referendum, the 2021 Black Womxn Wellness initiative seeks to provide additional health/wellness support, community engagement, and education for Black womxn (including cis, trans, queer, non-binary) on UC Berkeley's campus, while reducing barriers to accessing existing campus resources.

About: About Us
Image by Jessica Felicio


Black Womxn Well seeks to improve the overall health and wellness of Black womxn on UC Berkeley’s campus in the short and long term by:

  1. Increasing awareness of and access to local and campus resources tied to wellness (broadly defined)

  2. Curating a space for black womxn exclusively on Berkeley’s campus 

  3. Reducing stigma around health and wellness issues that impact Black womxn at higher rates through tailored and culturally informed programming 

  4. Providing more health and wellness centered communal spaces for Black womxn on campus  

  5. Equipping Black womxn with knowledge and tools to advocate for their health and wellness needs on campus and in life

About: Welcome
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